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The Syntax Sin Tax - "Wanderings" Music Video Artwork Time-Lapse Series

A series of videos designed to show the creation of the album artwork for The Syntax Sin Tax's album, "Wanderings," with each video acting as a music video for each respective song.

The Syntax Sin Tax website video page  linkView the music video series on The Syntax Sin Tax's website

The Syntax Sin Tax Wanderings artwork page linkSee more about the artwork

The Syntax Sin Tax Wanderings Album Artwork PackageDownload the album artwork package (.zip format)

The Syntax Sin Tax Bandcamp linkVisit this album's Bandcamp page

The Syntax Sin Tax Facebook linkVisit The Syntax Sin Tax's Facebook page

The Syntax Sin Tax website linkVisit The Syntax Sin Tax's website

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Here is a sample of video content created for OPT, a telescope distributor located in San Diego County, CA:

SpaceFab: A Space Telescope for Everyone

A short-form interview video showcasing the features of the SpaceFab orbital telescope.

My duties for this video included lighting, shooting, editing, subtitling, audio recording, audio mixing, video exporting, and uploading to YouTube.

TRIAD Filters- Astrophotography Anywhere!

A short video designed to showcase the TRIAD Filter product line, which allows for photography of deep space objects under extreme light pollution conditions.

My duties for this video included directing, lighting, shooting, editing, motion graphics, subtitling, audio recording, audio mixing, video exporting, and uploading to YouTube.

Solar Viewing Safety

This video highlights the safety concerns associated with using solar viewing implements such as solar telescopes, solar filters, and solar viewing glasses. It was created in preparation for the Great American Solar Eclipse of 2017.

My duties for this video included scriptwriting, storyboarding, directing, lighting, shooting, editing, character design, character animation, compositing, motion graphics, audio recording, sound effects, audio mixing, video exporting, and uploading to YouTube.

Simple Processing for TRIAD Filter Imaging

A tutorial video for TRIAD filter users, narrated by Chris Hendren. The instructions presented here show a basic method for processing images taken with the filter. This can be useful for new astrophotographers, since filtered images can often be very dark coming straight out of the camera.

My duties for this video included directing, screen capture, shooting, editing, motion graphics, subtitling, audio recording, audio mixing, video exporting, and uploading to YouTube.

Color and Monochrome Sensors with Dustin Gibson

This video demonstrates the differences between color and monochrome camera sensors when used for astrophotography using a "whiteboard" format and humorous illustrations.

My duties for this video included lighting, shooting, editing, illustration, graphics timing, audio recording, musical composition for intro and outro music, audio mixing, video exporting, and uploading to YouTube.

The Basic Telescope Types

A short video that was created to explain the three basic types of telescopes to new customers. It presents a simple explanation of how each design works, along with a brief explanation of the pros and cons of each.

My duties for this video included scriptwriting, directing, lighting, shooting, editing, character design, character animation, motion graphics, audio recording, sound effects, audio mixing, video exporting, and uploading to YouTube.

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Original content and site design © Steven Hendren.
Other content belongs to its respective parties.